Knowing Jesus
Looking for a great way to find out more about Jesus? He is the world’s most important person. Knowing Jesus, Diane’s chronological Bible Study on the life and ministry of Christ, is available in Adobe Acrobat format for downloading and printing. You’ll be surprised at how thorough, yet simple, this series is. It’s great for those who want to know Jesus, or just want to know him more. Knowing Jesus has been used for children, prisoners, and adults. It also works well for individual study or for group study.
Preparing to Succeed
This material was prepared for our own pre-marriage counseling with Malaysian couples. It does not address every possible challenge a couple might encounter, but it covers topics that cause the most conflicts in marriage. It is designed to be used with a pastor, counselor, or a mentor couple. A couple could do some of the lessons on their own, but the experience is greatly enhanced by discussing with someone ready to help couples prepare to succeed.
You may download the entire series Preparing to Succeed.
40 Days of Power
This is a 40 day study to see what the Bible says about the power of God and how his power energizes us for his purposes. Catch that idea: his Power for his Purposes. It’s not a matter of tapping into cosmic energy (The Force, as Star Wars called it) This study of the Holy Spirit gives you five days of Bible study, one day of personal application and discussion question to use in a group on one day.
Read more about 40 Days of Power
Song Lyrics
A favorite part of many of Mike’s sermons and teaching is the songs he sings and the words he quotes. We will keep adding to this section. Please go to: Song Lyrics to see the current list of songs.
Vision Builder
Vision Builder is a manual Mike wrote for our home church to help the members see how this church fits into God’s big picture, the importance of individual involvements in God’s purposes, how to become more effective in their personal involvement and to create a desire for enlargement. You may use it as your church develops a plan to fulfill its purpose in God’s plans.