From Building a Successful Marriage, by Landis and Landis
1. Are you comfortable and at ease with him or her? Are you able to be yourself without strain?
2. Since you have been in this relationship, are you more inclined to live up to your best conception of your self and your abilities?
3. Are you conscious of a continuing stable bond between the two of you, even when you have no romantic feelings?
4. Does this person matter greatly to you regardless of emotion or lack of emotion at the moment?
5. Would you love him or her just as much even if he were sick instead of well, or even if his handsomeness or her beauty should be marred or disfigured?
6. Is he or she physically attractive to you so that you have no inclination to be apologetic or defensive about his or her physical characteristics?
7. Are you proud to be seen together?
8. How well do you agree on the things worth sacrificing for in life?
9. Do you find it easy to talk over points of disagreement and reach an understanding? (Have you known each other long enough and well enough so that you have discovered your inevitable points of disagreement?)
10. Do your disagreements result in a better understanding of each other? (For disagreements to result in tabling and blocking off the issue, or in the same one always giving in, is a danger signal.)
11. Do you have confidence in his or her judgment? Do you respect his or her general mental ability?
12. Do you confide in this person freely, with complete confidence that what you say will be understood, judged kindly, and never divulged no matter what the temptation?
13. Are you happy and satisfied with the way he or she shows affection for you?
14. As you look toward the future as realistically as you can, do you feel that the two of you have in your relationship the elements that will enable you to cooperate and if necessary sacrifice for your continuing unity?
15. Does your relationship draw both of you closer to God? Do you both believe that this relationship is good and pleasing to your Heavenly Father?